The humidity sensor
On the humidity sensor which I designed, I use the sht11 from Sensirion to measure temperature and relative humidity. It contains a proprietary 2 wire interface, so connecting to I2C will not work. The processor on the humidity sensor is a atmega16 from Atmel. The code running on the processor implements Sensirion's 2 wire protocol. Also I connected the addressable switch DS2408 to the processor. This converts bit signals applied from the processor to the switch into 1-wire signals. This is how my control system communicates with the humidity sensors.Code to calculate absolute humidity from relative humidity and temperature
here I want to show how I have implemented a C function to calculate the absolute humidity from the relative humidity and the temperature. Above I was telling that I implemented the saturated vapor pressure as a lookup table. This is how I have done it:static int es[] =
The first entry corresponds to the temperature -25 degree Celsius. The last entry correspons to 45 degree Celsius. So I can just reference the array with a Celsius value (added with 25), and I get the corresponding pressure value. The piece of code below just protects the processor from overrunning memory:
if(T < -25.0) {
T = -25.0;
} else if(T > 45.0) {
T = 45.0;
Last but not least, the absolute humidity is calculated with the code below:
H = es[(int)(T+ 25)]; // saturated vapor pressure, need 25 degrees for offset
H *= U; Multiply relative humidity with saturated vapor pressure
H /= 461.5; // divide by gas constant
H /= (T+ 273.0); // divide by temperature in Kelvin
U is the relative humidity, T the temperature. Both values come directly from the humidity sensor sht11. 461,5 is the value of the gas constant.
Very interesting article. I liked how "made" your own Humidity Sensor. Very impressive, keep up the good work :)
ReplyDeletereagards, Karl
Thanks Karl, I appreciate you feedback.